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Marijuana - a changing world

17 October is a very big day in Canada – it is the day when recreational marijuana becomes legalised throughout the whole of Canada.  In other words, as long as you are of a certain age you can go into a shop and buy it and it is not a crime.  Until now, it had medical marijuana, which is slightly different, although pretty much the same thing.  I say slightly different, because obviously you need a doctor’s script to get it, but doctors tend to give out medical scripts, as many staff know, for all sorts of things and marijuana is diagnosed for anything from depression, anxiety, back pain, headaches, nausea, etc, etc, so if one really wants it, it would be very easy to get a script.  Now you will not even have to do that. 

Another sign of how dramatically the world is changing is that Utah is the State where the vast majority of Mormons live and their religion does not even allow them to have caffeine, let alone alcohol.  They have however agreed with the government that they will reduce their opposition to marijuana on the basis that only medical marijuana is allowed in Utah.  The fact though that such a religious group, who don’t even believe that caffeine is healthy and are strictly against any work on a Sunday, can now agree to medical marijuana being legalised is still a shock to the system.

I remember many arguments with my mother when I was young that one day marijuana would be legalised and she always told me I was “nuts”.  My reasoning was always very simple – I never understood why cigarettes, which kill so many people, can be legal and alcohol, which causes so many accidents, so much domestic violence as well as leads to many murders, could be legal, but marijuana could not be.  That does not mean I think marijuana is a good thing, but it is just very hard for me to accept that marijuana or dagga as one calls it in South Africa, is any worse than cigarettes in particular in terms of the damage to your health.  People who smoke cigarettes will of course jump up and down, saying marijuana is a gateway drug, although they are the last people who should – when they die of the various cancers in State hospitals, we are having to subsidise their choice in terms of the taxes we pay for the healthcare they get.  There never has been any scientific link between somebody smoking marijuana and then becoming a heroin addict, so the whole “gateway drug” story is a load of nonsense that is just not backed up by any science.  Of course, some people who first smoke marijuana will go on to other drugs, but so are some people who go to High School who will end up taking drugs and that does not mean we should stop going to High School.  Some people who smoke cigarettes are also ultimately going to take heroin, but does that now mean there is a link between cigarettes and heroine?

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Liz  said:
on Friday 16-Nov-18 01:43 PM
I recently watched an interview regarding this on CNN. It was said that Canada wanted to reduce the black market marijuana being sold but that seeing as though it is now legal there will be a lot more demand and as a result people will revert to the black market for their "stock" because the supply will be affected. I also believe that the link between marijuana and hard drugs is not that strong.

Joyce  said:
on Thursday 15-Nov-18 04:58 PM
I think for medical purposes part, I would support the legalising of marijuana.

Tamaryn  said:
on Monday 05-Nov-18 05:02 PM
This is interesting, and most interesting to read about Utah which has legalised Marijuana for legal purposes. I've always thought of the Mormons as giving good and proper thought in their decision making and so I respect this decision of theirs and commend them for their open-mindedness.

Henrietta  said:
on Monday 05-Nov-18 10:24 AM
We all have our own vices. I don't think Marijuana is a "gateway drag". I know of a few people who uses it for various reason by the doctor. And I also believe that it depends on if you have an addictive personality. I myself is not fond of the smell.

Lucretia  said:
on Monday 05-Nov-18 10:08 AM
I cannot agree with this article more. Maybe people should start looking at why marijuana was originally banned, not because it was dangerous or could be a gateway drug, but because it caused too much peace when war was needed to be fought. I know many, many professional people who smoke "weed" socially and not one of them have ever decided or even spoken about trying anything heavier.

Zindy  said:
on Thursday 01-Nov-18 09:37 AM
Personal Preferences I guess. Everyone has there own opinions about the use of Marijuana. Everything in moderation however to much of anything is never a good habit.

Sinead  said:
on Wednesday 31-Oct-18 04:34 PM
The whole "gate-way drug" thing is ridiculous. I firmly believe that you either have an addictive personality or you don't.
That being said though, I do believe that if it is in the same line of addiction then there could be a direct relation. I'm no expert but an example could be: a person that uses cat, progressing to cocaine or whatever is in line with that substance.

I have no qualms with marijuana or the use thereof... Each to their own I guess

Shristi  said:
on Wednesday 31-Oct-18 01:37 PM
My gran was diagnosed with cancer for a while. She was asked to take cannabis oil drops daily to reduce the pain. It worked miracles. If you really research the benefits of marijuana it is actually shocking that there is more good in it than bad.

Dune  said:
on Monday 29-Oct-18 02:38 PM
I am all for medicinal marijuana, as long as it is used in moderation. Too much of a good thing will always lead to something bad.

Ashleigh  said:
on Monday 29-Oct-18 09:02 AM
I could honestly say that I would prefer to be in the presence of a marijuana smoker than an alcoholic. I know people who smoke marijuana and do not touch drugs. Its nonsense that its a gateway to drugs. If alcohol is legal, I really do not see why marijuana was such an issue.

Nikita  said:
on Monday 29-Oct-18 07:59 AM
I have recently purchased cannaK9 dog biscuits for my old rescue dog. I want to see if it will help her with her stress and anxiety. She also suffers from arthritis which I am sure is very painful.

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Thursday 25-Oct-18 11:04 AM
I tend to disagree, I feel that cigarettes are better than dagga in the sense that cigarettes do not reduce your cognitive abilities. You do not get "high". It may be stereotypical but my experience around people who are high off dagga is that the person begins to move, think and speak more slowly. I am not sure if it has been proven but I feel that persistent Cannibis use hampers your brain functions. I do however, agree there are benefits for medical reasons and I have nothing against it or anyone who uses it for whatever reason. I personally just would not allow it to be used for example during working hours if I had my own company.

brumilde  said:
on Thursday 25-Oct-18 07:35 AM
I never liked the smell of 'dagga', but again it has been proven again and again that it has major health benefits. But one can argue that some of the 'old' smokers always mix in other substances and that defeats the point, still i am happy it is legal , the oil really does wonders

Jadine Richards  said:
on Wednesday 24-Oct-18 09:23 AM
I have never been a fan marijuana and the same remains true today in spite of recent developments. The smell really does not work for me. However, each to their own and many people are overjoyed by the trend world wide to legalize it. The proponents of legalization of marijuana have always had good arguments with substantial merit but still I could never really be bothered about it all.

Natasha  said:
on Tuesday 23-Oct-18 08:44 AM
Personally i think it is a good thing that they made "Dagga"legal.It does definitely help with medical situations like for instants my aunt had over cancer and she used cannabis oil .While she was using that she didn't have to go for chemo.One of my friends smokes "Dagga" the whole day every day for her Bipolar,depression,anxiety its been more than a month that she had to take tablets for those things. So I believe it does work.

Melissa  said:
on Monday 22-Oct-18 03:43 PM
I don't think that Marijuana is bad for you. It cures a lot of illnesses or ease the pain. I think it will start becoming bad for you when you use and abuse it everyday.

Helen  said:
on Monday 22-Oct-18 07:35 AM
I do not think that I am the right person to comment on this blog. Yes, I have very little knowledge about this drug, and I have never tried it myself. I do not smoke now, and never smoke in my life before any types of cigarettes.
But from all the articles I have red before about this drug, Marijuana can help people to take the pain away and not to suffer as much!

Brenda Du Toit   said:
on Monday 22-Oct-18 06:55 AM
Marijuana is not that bad. I have an aunt that took Marijuana for her Arthritis she used the cream to help her with the pain. I think its the way people use it today. If it can help people why not.

Fikile  said:
on Friday 19-Oct-18 04:37 PM
Marijuana is not always use as a drug and with most people don't like it when it's been call a drug, they would prefer if we could call it medication because it helps with other sicknesses and most pregnant women drink it to keep their children active and awake. Now that it has been legalized it is kind of scary because now most high school children will start smoking it more done they used to. Weed is not the main reason why people do drugs, it does have the influence but it's not the main reason, people smoke heroin because they see other people smoking it and think it will be great to use it as well.

Victoria  said:
on Friday 19-Oct-18 08:34 AM
I think it depends on the type of person using the drugs, some might smoke marijuana but have never used or wanted to use heroin. Marijuana has many benefits to many problems people are facing in today's world, i feel if it makes you feel better and it helps you then why not.

Melissa van Tellingen   said:
on Friday 19-Oct-18 08:24 AM
I am a true believer in using marijuana for medical purposes. When my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer she didn't want to use the cannabis oil as there was a stigma attached to using marijuana. After a while she warmed up to the feeling and it really helped for her pain. I still believe that if she started using it earlier she might still be here today.

Michelle D  said:
on Thursday 18-Oct-18 01:06 PM
I do believe that the legalization of weed is important for people's safety. People are going to use it recreationally anyway so better it be regulated. The only reason why I believe weed is a gateway drug at the moment is because often illegal weed dealers sell an array of other things too. Weed should be legalized but regulated just like alcohol and cigarettes.

Daniella  said:
on Thursday 18-Oct-18 10:13 AM
I really don't believe that Marijuana is a gate way drug, If people are going to do harder drugs its because of themselves and not 'Dagga'. I could never understand why Marijuana was made illegal in the first place when tobacco and alcohol was sold so freely and openly.

Jessica M  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 04:55 PM
Well I am surprised to see that marijuana is supposed to help with nausea, when I was younger and even took a space cookie I would get soooooo sick. I am happy for the people who can actually handle this, but for me it's a no. I won't be able to cope at all.

candice  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 04:38 PM
I Think most people have tried it and yet most of us are not drug addicts, some people try smoking or drinking they don't become alcoholics or a smoker. My aunt had cancer and Marijuana really helped her. I even bought my mother Medical Marijuana Drops that she took to help her with anxiety and its been working. So through out the years it has been helping more people then causing damage.

Megan  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 03:23 PM
Soon marijuana will be legalized worldwide, I think marijuana will be freely distributed as cigarettes some day but without the bad result such as cancer leading to death. I don't agree that it is a gateway drug but I do believe people could get out of hand with the amount of consumption. Not everything in the world is all good or bad so let's just see where this goes until someone decides there's deadly side effects to taking marijuana then something new is legalized.

Alexis  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 01:34 PM
I am of the opinion that smoking does not always lead to harder frugs, it all depends on the person and their personality. I feel like, if the world has not opened it's eyes up to it's positivity, and it has many, then it can only get better from there. Yes, you will have those who will abuse it, that is inevitable to say the least...but it is for those who need it that we I suppose are trying to assist, Cancer victims etc

courtney  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 01:34 PM
I prefer marijuana above every other 'drug'. One of my friends were in a bad car accident 4 years ago and he got hooked on "dagga". He had so much pain and was so ill. Since he started smoking this he became a changed man.

Nina  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 11:17 AM
I agree 100% that it does have many health benfits and I think it was just a matter of time before it started being legalized across the world. I however wonder if our country will manage to implement the new rules adequately .

Prishani  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 10:08 AM
I have also always heard stories of marijuana being a gateway drug, the reasoning behind this blog makes sense. I think that many countries all over the world will start legalising it, also people who sell the drug illegally sell the substance for much more that it is worth.

Jadine Esterhuizen   said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 10:01 AM
This has been debated for the longest of times but there are many health benefits for marijuana, especially the ointments made from it.

Jessica  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 08:28 AM
If the most conservative can recognise the 'value' to such a plant, by allowing the medical use thereof, then surely it is simply a matter of time before the rest of the world will follow suit? I am sure that this will bolster Candada's tourism and perhaps now Amsterdam's 'draw card' is not as alluring as what it was previously. With the recent developments within South African law, I wonder if we to will legalise it as Canda has. I am an avid believer in the great properties of cannabis oil, I have used it myself for pain relief and know many others that have too! It is not a myth, it does help...

Bianca N  said:
on Wednesday 17-Oct-18 08:03 AM
If marijuana helps, why not take it? The medical benefits have been known for a while now, so it is about time it is legalized. I agree with that if alcohol which has lead to many accidents and a lot of violence can be sold and completely legal, then so should something that is said to help with various medical conditions. Smoking marijuana does not mean you will one day be a heroin addict.


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