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How much we change

I enjoyed recent research, published by a team of psychologists from Harvard and the University of Virginia, on how we change over the years. More importantly, how we continually underestimate how we have changed over the years and at each age look back thinking we have changed dramatically not realising that we continue to change and will continue to change.

In other words, a typical 20 year old woman, according to the report, makes predictions for the next 10 years of her life which are never as radical as what a typical 30 year old woman, looking back, would find the last 10 years to be! People consistently minimise, in their estimates, how much they will change over the next 10 years compared to the reality that they discover over time. The doctors believe it is because, at each age, we make ourselves feel good by believing that we have reached the “peak” of our personal evolution.

That is why a decision made to get a tattoo today, for example, and this is one of the examples the researchers gave, may not seem to be such a great decision in 10 years’ time. It gives people security to insist that whatever they say now will always be their policy or approach in the future, even though time will, again and again, prove that that same insistence is invariably wrong. It gives us much more confidence to believe now that we will not change, even though whenever we look back, we realise we have changed but we don’t seem to be able to take that fact that our lives have continually changed any further into the future, believing that where we are now and what we hold true, will remain as it is right now even though time and research shows that that is not true!

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 01-Feb-13 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Sarah  said:
on Thursday 07-Feb-13 02:08 PM
Life changes people the situations and the people that come and go in our lives. Sometimes I hear a song that I likes in high school and think to myself how could you like that song.

Robyn  said:
on Thursday 07-Feb-13 06:43 AM
Sometimes I wish people would change and learn how to spell for example..that type of change doesn't seem to come around too often.
Anyway, I've most definitely changed. I still want a tattoo though after 5 years but I'm too scared to get one, so that will probably not happen.
I've grown in every aspect of my life, good and bad. I need to work on something every single day. I agree with Tanya's quote and I also think one day you'll regret the things you never did rather than the things you did, so go do some stupid things. It's fun :) That reminds me..

Cornelie   said:
on Tuesday 05-Feb-13 04:20 PM
I think it’s good to change now and again and a change is as dood as a holiday, but bipolar change is something else to get used to.

Jessica  said:
on Tuesday 05-Feb-13 03:52 PM
I personally believe that it is the curve balls that life throws people that make them have to change their decisions. Although somethings you do think back and be like what was I thinking where as you also look back and say IF this went this way or that way things would of been different.

Genevieve  said:
on Tuesday 05-Feb-13 03:48 PM
Seriously though, I myself have changed. I have always been a reasonably responsible person, but I must say that since I moved into my own home I have realized what "responsibilities" really are. Ones situations and influences ultimately becomes "you", so your choices are very important.

Genevieve  said:
on Tuesday 05-Feb-13 03:39 PM
It's called Bipolar or dealing-with-stupidity syndrome Brenda. I hate being bipolar, it's awesome :-) But on a serious note, I need to take my medication lol.

Brenda  said:
on Tuesday 05-Feb-13 03:32 PM
Very true indeed, and i have seen people change in a matter of minutes, nevermind days or years.

cherise   said:
on Tuesday 05-Feb-13 12:58 PM
I have to agree people change every single day and from age to age our opinions, influences ,choices and the way we do things change. It makes some people do things they have never done, some become more independant and wiser. While others may go down an unexpected bad bath.

change will always occur its adapting and learning from the changes in our lives to become better individuals

Liesl  said:
on Tuesday 05-Feb-13 12:02 PM
I believe we all change. One should always be in a process of growth in our lives that is how we mature in our thinking and doing. For this change is required. I have definately changed. We tend to long for the days of our youth but I will never be prepared to exchange the knowledge I have acquired thus far through the school of life just to have my youth back

Angelique  said:
on Monday 04-Feb-13 06:43 PM
I strongly believe in this. You dont notice it but you actually change every single day. I feel I have changed so much since I was even 18, 19 or 20. My views and opinions have completely changed. I've done things I never thought I would do and have learned alot. I really really really wanted to get a complete tattoo sleeve on one of my arms but then I realised what will I do one day when I'd like to wear a wedding dress or how will it look when I'm older. I've changed over 3 years and I can only imagine what 10 years can do!

Tans  said:
on Friday 01-Feb-13 04:01 PM
John Lennon said “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” While this is very funny, and often describes reality pretty precisely, this is still not necessarily your path. Especially not if you are a self-reflecting person and pursue your personal growth consciously. I think we should go actively and courageously for what lays ahead and be responsible for ourselves and our environment and invoke the positive change we desire most. We can direct our future and success in some way and must remember that personal growth is not only important, but also a very exciting journey filled with love, laughter, joy, as well as with sadness, anger and confusion at times. Mark Twain once said that Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.! And who knows...20 years from now, you might just be astonished when you realise the path you have travelled, whether good or bad.

Lourien  said:
on Friday 01-Feb-13 10:14 AM
I believe people change each day, we see so many different situations and people every single day, and it does have an affect on our lives in some way changing how we feel, our opinions and sometimes even our believes. . . Like they say Change is Good...


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